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Principle Trainer

Dorcas Li-Ho

Dorcas Li is the Asia Director for Parent-Wise Solutions which is an international orgainisation involved in the training and equipping of parents with the know-how and tools for effective parenting.


Dorcas has been involved with running parenting groups and seminars since 1997. She is active in parent support groups and marriage-in-crisis support groups.


Dorcas is a registered adviser to parents seeking help. She is a certified trainer for parenting programmes that cover the age groups from infant care to teens.  Dorcas is an accreditated trainer for Triple P Program, an approved parenting program under Ministry of Social and Family Development.


Dorcas other major ministry is an eLearning business leadership school. She founded HF Business Leadership Institute in 2014. HF is a biblical business school that focuses on equipping working adults to apply principle led approaches businesses and management. She is a certified adult trainer and has obtained her ACTA certification under WDA.


Dorcas holds a Masters in Science and has a Diploma in Counseling. She has two daughters aged 22 & 19 years old.

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